Providence Public School

school library

school library

Our school providing library facilities with reading area to its staff & student free of cost. School is having a huge collection of academic and reference books. The school library is a central hub supporting every student and staff member as well as parents . The library combines several elements library staff resources and space. Each of these plays an important part in supporting teaching and learning. School libraries are most effective when these elements combine to form an integrated whole.

Any School plays a vital role in all academic activities. Keeping in view the aims and objectives the library has been planned and is being developed by a team of qualified professional library staff and guided by the Library Council. School libraries are fundamental to developing engaged readers who have the capability and inclination to read and learn beyond their years at school. School libraries help students learn to find and use the information they need, to succeed now and in their future life and work.

Providence Public School, Shahzadpur - Ambala

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Qualified Teachers




Happy Students


Years Experience